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Resolving Agricorp issues

By Geri Kamenz,

Ontario farmers who rely on Agricorp as an integral part of their farming operation’s business plan will need to continue to be patient.

Three groups deserve kudos

There are three groups of people that truly deserve a pat on the back.

At what cost?

So what did it cost the taxpayers of Rainy River to dismiss and undissmiss a long time employee?

What if the shoe were on your foot vandals/thieves?

Well with the arrival of warmer weather another thing has arrived... vandalism and theft.

Absolutely ridiculous

Have you driven on Highway 621 lately?
It is under construction, however the construction began and has stalled.
The old prime and surface asphalt has been ripped up for miles. But the oil truck is not scheduled to be there until later this month.

Not so quaint

It is terrible to think that our beautiful and usually peaceful community is just not all as quaint as we think it is.
There is definitely a criminal element alive and well here.
Last week’s break and enters are proof of that.

It is up to us to make it happen

It is one thing to complain about something but it is another to actually volunteer to do something about it.
In the Record’s weekly poll two weeks ago 62% of respondents said they would like to see both Canada Day and Railroad Daze events in Rainy River.

Surveillance cameras could catch the vandals

It seems some people do not have anything better to do with their time.
Last Wednesday night someone or more than likely a bunch of someones, hauled sand from the park sandbox to the kiddie pool.
The pool just opened the previous Friday after town employees pressure-washed it.

Putting community back in the community centre

Moving the Early Years Centre into the Rainy River community centre is in our view a move that could not have come sooner.
The taxpayers of Rainy River built the community centre. Many citizens volunteered thousands of hours to put the buildings up and for decades the buildings were used a lot.

Thefts make us feel unsafe in RR

While a petty theft may seem just that to some, to others having something stolen from their yard is a big theft.
Recently a number of residents have reported having all or some of their solar lights stolen from their yards.


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