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Ken's Korner

Unplanned interuptions

If you operate on punctual deadlines like we do in the newspaper business, you know that unplanned interruptions can be dismal to your schedule.

Ice out trivia time!

Well it finally happened last Wednesday, April 16th! The Rainy River opened in front of the Town of Rainy River.

Bigger garden might help a bit

I am seriously thinking about doubling or tripling the size of my garden this spring.

Open water lifted my spirits!

Thursday I saw a sure sign of Spring when I made deliveries in Emo. The Rainy River was wide open as far as the eye could see in either direction!

Back lane engineers

Sunday the little kid in this middle-aged body could not resist Mother Nature's temptations!

Better tracking technology needed

Following the news on the crash of that Malaysian Boeing 777 passenger jet the past couple of weeks I was astonished to learn how unable we are to track a plane at all times once its transponder has been disabled.
Considering how well the powers that be track each and everyone of our movements daily, I was totally surprised when it was revealed that once the transponder was disabled on the plane, it virtually disappeared off the grid.

Asparagus on sale is a sure sign of Spring!

In the past week I have experienced a sure sign of spring... asparagus has been on sale at several grocery stores I have been in!

Do your part and vote today!

If there is one thing small towns are good at doing, it is pulling together like a family.

You win Old Man Winter

Okay Old Man Winter... I give in. You win. You are tougher than this Canadian!

Winter just can't last all the way to July

Will Spring ever come?
People are worn down. Some are crabby and the consensus seems to be, "It better get here sooner, rather than later!"


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