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Letters to The Editor

Really enjoying Squirrel Pie

Letter to the Editor,

Gays are capable parents

Letter to the Editor,

No evidence being gay parents has any negative effects on kids

Letter to the editor,

The marriage question

Letter to the Editor,
I've been listening to t.v. and all you hear is how the US Supreme Court is going to rule in the gay marriage situation.

Libraries can not legally charge user fees

Dear Editor,
Re: Story of March 19, 2013 – “Council to look at user fees for library”

Abattoir needs more business

Letter to the Editor:
I am sending this email asking for help.

Stop dropping off cats!

Letter to the Editor:
We do not have cats on our farm in the country because we do not like cats!!

Owls highlight of bird count

Dear Editor,

Demonstrates a lack of empathy and support

Letter to the editor,
I am writing to let you know of my concern that in last week’s paper my cousin’s arrest made front page news.

Your timing was classless

Letter to the Editor:


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