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Letters to The Editor

I know how you feel

Letter to the Editor:
In response to your Ken's Korner 'Violated and Unsafe'. I can feel for you, as I know how you feel.

Campbell questions moves to cut Service Ontario hours

Editor's Note: This is an open letter written by MPP Sarah Campbell.

October 26, 2012

Hon. Harinder Takhar
Whitney Block
4th Floor, Suite 4320
99 Wellesley St. West
Toronto, ON M7A 1W3

Searching for someone

Dear Editor,
I am searching for the author of a letter that appeared in the Record on Aug. 8, 2009.

Kudos to all the volunteers

Dear Editor,

Very proud of our youth at the RRWT

Letter to the Editor,

Tells us much about our town

Letter to the Editor,
In last weeks poll you asked, “Do you hope the CN Hotel is rebuilt?”

My thoughts on the latest NHL lockout

Letter to the Editor:

Comforting to know we can count on others

Dear Editor:

Keep fighting polio

Letter to the editor,
Humanity is about to eradicate polio after three decades of continuous efforts to immunize the children of the world.

We would like to dispell the rumors about our shop

Letter to the Editor:


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