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Concerned citizens want physiotherapy in Rainy River
Dear Editor
A group of Concerned Citizen have a Petition circulating Rainy River in support of Physiotherapy Services at the Rainy River Hospital.
The Riverside Healthcare Facilities consists of the Fort Frances Hospital, Emo Hospital, Rainy River Hospital and Rainycrest Long-term Care all of the these Facilities except Rainy River have Physio Services.
Emo Hospital Physio therapy has recently increased their Services from two days a week to five days a week.
People needing Physio in the West End of the Rainy River District (Morson, Bergland, Rainy River, Pinewood, Stratton and areas) travel one to two hours to arrive at either the Emo or Fort Frances Facility for this Service.
Most physio is twice a week and is at their own expense.
One wonders if all the good that the physio does is undone by the time they reach home at the end of the day.
If the Corporation can only provide a certain number of days of Physio to these Facilties because of therapist’s availablity and financial budget then why not service the facilities the furthest away?
This Concerned Citizens Group is looking for your Support. Please sign the Petition either at the Rainy River Drug Store or at the Rainy River Clinic.
There is a Meeting at the Rainy River Hospital at 1:00 p.m on Monday, January 6th, 2014 everyone is welcome.
Our Group will be doing this Presentation to the Riverside Healthcare Board on Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 at 6:30 p.m – again we urge you to come to this Meeting as well – if you are interested please contact either Melanie Murray 852-3308 or Nicole Therrien as rides will be arranged.
If you are unable to make either of these meetings but have some input please contact either of us.
–Thank you,
Melanie Murray/Nicole Therrien
for the Concerned Citizens for Healthcare of the West End of the Rainy River District