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Sad to read of closing

Dear Rainy River Record,
I was very sad to read that the Rainy River Record will be ceasing publication. The paper was a link to the town where I was born and grew up and like many others who no longer live in the area, the Record provided news of the area and people that I still have affection for.
My reason for writing is to inquire about the fate of the past (pre-digital) issues of the paper that I assume are held in the Record office. The past issues of the paper represent the best documentation and history of the town and I am hoping there is a plan to preserve those important back issues - and perhaps have them digitized - as I believe was done with back issues of the Fort Frances Times.
The Rainy River Record, with 97 years of publishing, is a commendable achievement and preservation of its back issues is important for many people. I would urge anyone who has some influence about, and interest in preserving the history of the town, to ensure that this valuable resource is not lost.

Rick Nordin
North Saanich BC