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- What is your favourite part of Fall? - 37 votes - closed
- Are you excited about school starting again next week? - 29 votes - closed
- Do y ou try and "Do One Thing (be more active/eat healthier) regularly? - 24 votes - closed
- How often do you attend the Emo Fall Fair? - 34 votes - closed
- Could you live without your cell phone? - 32 votes - closed
- How is your garden doing this year? - 37 votes - closed
- Would you consider running for council or mayor in the next municipal election? - 36 votes - open
- Do you have friends and/or family coming home for Railroad Daze? - 32 votes - closed
- What is your favourite summer time activity? - 38 votes - closed
- What did you do on Canada Day? - 30 votes - closed
- Do you think Climate Change has contributed to the rise in the # of high water events we have experienced in the past 20 yrs? - 63 votes - closed
- Do you think the Town of Rainy River should permanently build up its berms in anticipation of future flooding? - 87 votes - closed
- Do you think short trips (less than 24 hrs) should be counted as a full day? - 84 votes - closed
- Which format to you prefer to read? - 43 votes - closed
- Which summer pest do you detest the most? - 62 votes - closed