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Ken's Korner

Life before the video age

Attending the kids' fishing derby on Sunday, I had a great conversation with an old friend.
He was saying how his kids have very strict limits on computer/electronics and television.

Perogies, cabbage rolls and horseradish!

When I received a perogy maker for my 40th birthday (several years ago), I would never have imagined that making perogies every year would become a family tradition.

Reunited and reconnected!

How much do you depend on technology?
Last week I realized how much of my life is routed through my cell phone.

Run for office and make a difference

Could the people of Rainy River, Lake of the Woods and Dawson be in for a suspenseful week?

Nomination law not working here

The idea of letting candidates file nominations for municipal office in the January before October elections so that they can have ample time to campaign, really hasn't worked here in the Rainy River District.

Probably time to hunt for winter boots

What will this fall be like?
If we base predictions on what we have had for nearly the past year, it could be early, cold and wet.
Last winter was cold, long and very snowy.

All the brushing in the world can't stop a fracture

Forty-seven years without a cavity and going strong!
As kids we often heard the drill at school and at home about the benefits of good dental hygiene.

Prime camping season is passing us by!

August is probably the best month of the year to go camping.
It tends to be hot and dry in the day time and pleasant temperatures abound at night for sleeping.

Calling Dick Tracy!

Calling Dick Tracy! Calling Dick Tracy!
Those familiar with the 1940s detective know that the call came over his amazing radio and later television watch!

Ken's Korner: Answers for sewer back ups needed

Last Monday was a tough day for many homeowners in my neighbourhood.

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